Ink Blossom Studios

Strange times bring on change. 

With the craziness of the quarantine, I , like many others, tried something different to pass the time.  While scrolling through Instagram, I came across a video of this cool process of color and liquid just floating and moving across the surface.  I was hooked in that minute. I found out it was called Alcohol Ink.  As soon as could, I went online and purchased a small set of ink and alcohol, and not the kind you drink (However, somewhere during this adventure, there was definitely some of the drinking kind around every once in a while).  Just a few months later Ii was mesmerized and started a new little art boutique called Ink Blossom Studios.  You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram 

Stop in and say hi. 

Not to worry though, I still love creating and capturing images around me and scheduling Portrait Sessions.  Contact me if you would like to schedule one.   







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